Chukwa User and Programming Guide
At the core of Chukwa is a flexible system for collecting and processing monitoring data, particularly log files. This document describes how to use the collected data. (For an overview of the Chukwa data model and collection pipeline, see the Design Guide.)
In particular, this document discusses the Chukwa archive file formats, the demux and archiving mapreduce jobs, and the layout of the Chukwa storage directories.
Reading data from the sink or the archive
Chukwa gives you several ways of inspecting or processing collected data.
Dumping some data
It very often happens that you want to retrieve one or more files that have been collected with Chukwa. If the total volume of data to be recovered is not too great, you can use bin/chukwa dumpArchive, a command-line tool that does the job. The dump tool does an in-memory sort of the data, so you'll be constrained by the Java heap size (typically a few hundred MB).
The dump tool takes a search pattern as its first argument, followed by a list of files or file-globs. It will then print the contents of every data stream in those files that matches the pattern. (A data stream is a sequence of chunks with the same host, source, and datatype.) Data is printed in order, with duplicates removed. No metadata is printed. Separate streams are separated by a row of dashes.
For example, the following command will dump all data from every file that matches the glob pattern. Note the use of single quotes to pass glob patterns through to the application, preventing the shell from expanding them.
$CHUKWA_HOME/bin/chukwa dumpArchive 'datatype=.*' 'hdfs://host:9000/chukwa/archive/*.arc'
The patterns used by dump are based on normal regular expressions. They are of the form field1=regex&field2=regex. That is, they are a sequence of rules, separated by ampersand signs. Each rule is of the form metadatafield=regex, where metadatafield is one of the Chukwa metadata fields, and regex is a regular expression. The valid metadata field names are: datatype, host, cluster, content, name. Note that the name field matches the stream name -- often the filename that the data was extracted from.
In addition, you can match arbitrary tags via tags.tagname. So for instance, to match chunks with tag foo="bar" you could say Note that quotes are present in the tag, but not in the filter rule.
A stream matches the search pattern only if every rule matches. So to retrieve HadoopLog data from cluster foo, you might search for cluster=foo&datatype=HadoopLog.
Exploring the Sink or Archive
Another common task is finding out what data has been collected. Chukwa offers a specialized tool for this purpose: DumpArchive. This tool has two modes: summarize and verbose, with the latter being the default.
In summarize mode, DumpArchive prints a count of chunks in each data stream. In verbose mode, the chunks themselves are dumped.
You can invoke the tool by running $CHUKWA_HOME/bin/ To specify summarize mode, pass --summarize as the first argument.
bin/chukwa dumpArchive --summarize 'hdfs://host:9000/chukwa/logs/*.done'
Sink File Format
As data is collected, Chukwa dumps it into sink files in HDFS. By default, these are located in hdfs:///chukwa/logs. If the file name ends in .chukwa, that means the file is still being written to. Every few minutes, the collector will close the file, and rename the file to '*.done'. This marks the file as available for processing.
Each sink file is a Hadoop sequence file, containing a succession of key-value pairs, and periodic synch markers to facilitate MapReduce access. They key type is ChukwaArchiveKey; the value type is ChunkImpl. See the Chukwa Javadoc for details about these classes.
Data in the sink may include duplicate and omitted chunks.
Demux and Archiving
It's possible to write MapReduce jobs that directly examine the data sink, but it's not extremely convenient. Data is not organized in a useful way, so jobs will likely discard most of their input. Data quality is imperfect, since duplicates and omissions may exist. And MapReduce and HDFS are optimized to deal with a modest number of large files, not many small ones.
Chukwa therefore supplies several MapReduce jobs for organizing collected data and putting it into a more useful form; these jobs are typically run regularly from cron. Knowing how to use Chukwa-collected data requires understanding how these jobs lay out storage. For now, this document only discusses one such job: the Simple Archiver.
Simple Archiver
The simple archiver is designed to consolidate a large number of data sink files into a small number of archive files, with the contents grouped in a useful way. Archive files, like raw sink files, are in Hadoop sequence file format. Unlike the data sink, however, duplicates have been removed. (Future versions of the Simple Archiver will indicate the presence of gaps.)
The simple archiver moves every .done file out of the sink, and then runs a MapReduce job to group the data. Output Chunks will be placed into files with names of the form hdfs:///chukwa/archive/clustername/Datatype_date.arc. Date corresponds to when the data was collected; Datatype is the datatype of each Chunk.
If archived data corresponds to an existing filename, a new file will be created with a disambiguating suffix.
A key use for Chukwa is processing arriving data, in parallel, using MapReduce. The most common way to do this is using the Chukwa demux framework. As data flows through Chukwa, the demux job is often the first job that runs.
By default, Chukwa will use the default TsProcessor. This parser will try to extract the real log statement from the log entry using the ISO8601 date format. If it fails, it will use the time at which the chunk was written to disk (collector timestamp).
Writing a custom demux Mapper
If you want to extract some specific information and perform more processing you need to write your own parser. Like any M/R program, your have to write at least the Map side for your parser. The reduce side is Identity by default.
On the Map side,you can write your own parser from scratch or extend the AbstractProcessor class that hides all the low level action on the chunk. See org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.extraction.demux.processor.mapper.Df for an example of a Map class for use with Demux.
For Chukwa to invoke your Mapper code, you have to specify which data types it should run on. Edit $CHUKWA_HOME/etc/chukwa/chukwa-demux-conf.xml and add the following lines:
<property> <name>MyDataType</name> <value>org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.extraction.demux.processor.mapper.MyParser</value> <description>Parser class for MyDataType.</description> </property>
You can use the same parser for several different recordTypes.
Writing a custom reduce
You only need to implement a reduce side if you need to group records together. The interface that your need to implement is ReduceProcessor:
public interface ReduceProcessor { public String getDataType(); public void process(ChukwaRecordKey key,Iterator<ChukwaRecord> values, OutputCollector<ChukwaRecordKey, ChukwaRecord> output, Reporter reporter); }
The link between the Map side and the reduce is done by setting your reduce class into the reduce type: key.setReduceType("MyReduceClass"); Note that in the current version of Chukwa, your class needs to be in the package org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.extraction.demux.processor See org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.extraction.demux.processor.reducer.SystemMetrics for an example of a Demux reducer.
Your data is going to be sorted by RecordType then by the key field. The default implementation use the following grouping for all records:
- Time partition (Time up to the hour)
- Machine name (physical input source)
- Record timestamp
The demux process will use the recordType to save similar records together (same recordType) to the same directory:
<cluster name>/<record type>/
Demux Data To HBase
Demux parsers can be configured to run in Chukwa Collector. See Collector configuration guide. HBaseWriter is not a real map reduce job. It is designed to reuse Demux parsers for extraction, transformation and load purpose. There are some limitations to consider before implementing Demux parser for loading data to HBase. In MapReduce job, mutliple values can be merged and group into a key/value pair in shuffle/combine and merge phases. This kind of aggregation is unsupported by Demux in HBaseWriter because the data are not merged in memory, but send to HBase. HBase takes the role of merging values into a record by primary key. Therefore, Demux reducer parser is not invoked by HBaseWriter.
For writing a demux parser that works with HBaseWriter, there are two piece information to encode to Demux parser. First, HBase table name to store the data. This is encoded in Demux parser by annotation. Second, the column family name to store the data is encoded in the ReducerType of the Demux Reducer parser.
Example of Demux mapper parser
@Tables(annotations={ @Table(name="SystemMetrics",columnFamily="cpu) }) public class SystemMetrics extends AbstractProcessor { @Override protected void parse(String recordEntry, OutputCollector<ChukwaRecordKey, ChukwaRecord> output, Reporter reporter) throws Throwable { ... buildGenericRecord(record, null, cal.getTimeInMillis(), "cpu"); output.collect(key, record); } }
In this example, the data collected by SystemMetrics parser is stored into "SystemMetrics" HBase table, and column family is stored to "cpu" column family.
Create a new HICC widget
HICC Widget is composed of a JSON data model. Examples of widget descriptor is located at src/main/web/hicc/descriptors. The data structure looks like this:
{ "id":"debug", "title":"Session Debugger", "version":"0.1", "categories":"Developer,Utilities", "url":"jsp/debug.jsp", "description":"Display session stats", "refresh":"15", "parameters":[ {"name":"height","type":"string","value":"0","edit":"0"} ] }
- id - Unique identifier of HICC widget.
- title - Human readable string for display on widget border.
- version - Version number of the widget, used for updating dashboard with new version of the widget.
- categories - Category to organize the widget. The categories hierarchy is separated by comma.
- url - The URL to fetch widget content. Use /iframe/ as prefix to sandbox output of the URL in a iframe.
- description - Description of the widget to display on widget browser.
- refresh - Predefined interval to refresh widget in minutes, set refresh to 0 to disable periodical refresh.
- parameters - A list of Key Value parameters to pass to url. Parameters can be constructed from the follow datatype.
- string - A text field for entering string. edit set the text field to be hidden and value is constant. Example:
{ "name":"height", "type":"string", "value":"0", "edit":"0" }
- select - A drop down list for making single item selection. label is text string next to the drop down box. Example:
{ "name":"width", "type":"select", "value":"300", "label":"Width", "options":[ {"label":"300","value":"300"}, ... {"label":"1200","value":"1200"} ] }
- select_callback - Single item selection box with data source provided from the callback url. Example:
{ "name":"time_zone", "type":"select_callback", "value":"UTC", "label":"Time Zone", "callback":"/hicc/jsp/get_timezone_list.jsp" }
- select_multiple - Multiple item selection box.
{ "name":"data", "type":"select_multiple", "value":"default", "label":"Metric", "options":[ {"label":"Selection 1","value":"1"}, {"label":"Selection 2","value":"2"} ] }
- radio - Radio button for making boolean selection.
{ "name":"legend", "type":"radio", "value":"on", "label":"Show Legends", "options":[ {"label":"On","value":"on"}, {"label":"Off","value":"off"} ] }
- custom - Custom Javascript control. control is a javascript function defined in src/main/web/hicc/js/workspace/custom_edits.js.
{ "name":"period", "type":"custom", "control":"period_control", "value":"", "label":"Period" }
- string - A text field for entering string. edit set the text field to be hidden and value is constant. Example:
HICC metrics API is designed to run HBase scan function. One thing to keep in mind that the down sampling framework has not been built. Therefore, scanning large number of metrics on HBase may take a long time.
- Retrieve a time series metrics for a given column and use session key as row key.
/hicc/v1/metrics/series/{table}/{column}/session/{sessionKey}?start={long}&end ={long}&fullScan={boolean}
- Retrieve a time series metrics for a given column and given row key.
- Scan for column names with in a column family.
- Scan table for unique row names.
HICC Charting API
HICC Chart.jsp is the generic interface for piping HICC metrics REST API JSON to javascript rendered charting library. The supported options are:
- title - Display a title string on chart.
- width - Width of the chart in pixels.
- height - Height of the chart in pixels.
- render - Type of graph to display. Available options are: line, bar, point, area, stack-area.
- series_name - Label for series name.
- data - URL to retrieve series of JSON data.
- x_label - Toggle to display X axis label (on or off).
- x_axis_label - A string to display on X axis of the chart.
- y_label - Toggle to display Y axis label (on or off).
- ymin - Y axis minimum value.
- ymax or y_axis_max - Y axis maximum value.
- legend - Toggle to display legend for the chart (on or off).
Example of using Charting API in combination with HICC Metrics REST API:
In this example, the width of the chart is set to 300, and height set to 200. The chart has a title of Memory Utilization, and streaming data from ClusterSummary table for column family memory with UsedPercent and FreePercent metrics using session key cluster as the row key.