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RegexUtil xref
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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4    * distributed with this work for additional information
5    * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8    * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    *
10   *
11   *
12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16   * limitations under the License.
17   */
19  package org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.util;
21  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
22  import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
24  /*>>>
25  import checkers.nullness.quals.*;
26  import checkers.regex.quals.*;
27  */
29  /**
30   * Utility methods for regular expressions, most notably for testing whether
31   * a string is a regular expression.
32   */
33  public class RegexUtil {
35    /**
36     * A checked version of {@link PatternSyntaxException}.
37     * <p>
38     * This exception is useful when an illegal regex is detected but the
39     * contextual information to report a helpful error message is not available
40     * at the current depth in the call stack. By using a checked
41     * PatternSyntaxException the error must be handled up the call stack where
42     * a better error message can be reported.
43     * <p>
44     *
45     * Typical usage is:
46     * <pre>
47     * void myMethod(...) throws CheckedPatternSyntaxException {
48     *   ...
49     *   if (! isRegex(myString)) {
50     *     throw new CheckedPatternSyntaxException(...);
51     *   }
52     *   ... Pattern.compile(myString) ...
53     * </pre>
54     *
55     * Simply calling <tt>Pattern.compile</tt> would have a similar effect,
56     * in that <tt>PatternSyntaxException</tt> would be thrown at run time if
57     * <tt>myString</tt> is not a regular expression.  There are two problems
58     * with such an approach.  First, a client of <tt>myMethod</tt> might
59     * forget to handle the exception, since <tt>PatternSyntaxException</tt>
60     * is not checked.  Also, the Regex Checker would issue a warning about
61     * the call to <tt>Pattern.compile</tt> that might throw an exception.
62     * The above usage pattern avoids both problems.
63     *
64     * @see PatternSyntaxException
65     */
66    public static class CheckedPatternSyntaxException extends Exception {
68      private static final long serialVersionUID = 6266881831979001480L;
70      private final PatternSyntaxException pse;
72      /**
73       * Constructs a new CheckedPatternSyntaxException equivalent to the
74       * given {@link PatternSyntaxException}.
75       * <p>
76       * Consider calling this constructor with the result of
77       * {@link RegexUtil#regexError}.
78       * @param pse is PatternSyntaxException object
79       */
80      public CheckedPatternSyntaxException(PatternSyntaxException pse) {
81        this.pse = pse;
82      }
84      /**
85       * Constructs a new CheckedPatternSyntaxException.
86       *
87       * @param desc A description of the error
88       * @param regex The erroneous pattern
89       * @param index The approximate index in the pattern of the error,
90       *              or {@code -1} if the index is not known
91       */
92      public CheckedPatternSyntaxException(String desc, String regex, int index) {
93        this(new PatternSyntaxException(desc, regex, index));
94      }
96      /**
97       * Retrieves the description of the error.
98       *
99       * @return The description of the error
100      */
101     public String getDescription() {
102       return pse.getDescription();
103     }
105     /**
106      * Retrieves the error index.
107      *
108      * @return The approximate index in the pattern of the error, or {@code -1}
109      *         if the index is not known
110      */
111     public int getIndex() {
112       return pse.getIndex();
113     }
115     /**
116      * Returns a multi-line string containing the description of the syntax
117      * error and its index, the erroneous regular-expression pattern, and a
118      * visual indication of the error index within the pattern.
119      *
120      * @return The full detail message
121      */
122     public String getMessage() {
123       return pse.getMessage();
124     }
126     /**
127      * Retrieves the erroneous regular-expression pattern.
128      *
129      * @return The erroneous pattern
130      */
131     public String getPattern() {
132       return pse.getPattern();
133     }
134   }
136   private RegexUtil() {
137     throw new AssertionError("Class RegexUtil shouldn't be instantiated");
138   }
140   /**
141    * Returns true if the argument is a syntactically valid regular
142    * expression.
143    * @param s is regular expression
144    * @return true if there is a match
145    */
146   public static boolean isRegex(String s) {
147     return isRegex(s, 0);
148   }
150   /**
151    * Returns true if the argument is a syntactically valid regular
152    * expression with at least the given number of groups.
153    * @param s is regular expression
154    * @param groups is number of groups to match
155    * @return true if there is a match
156    */
157   /*>>>
158   @SuppressWarnings("regex")    // RegexUtil
159   */
160   /*@Pure*/
161   public static boolean isRegex(String s, int groups) {
162     Pattern p;
163     try {
164       p = Pattern.compile(s);
165     } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
166       return false;
167     }
168     return getGroupCount(p) >= groups;
169   }
171   /**
172    * Returns true if the argument is a syntactically valid regular
173    * expression.
174    * @param c is a character
175    * @return true if there is a match
176    */
177   public static boolean isRegex(char c) {
178     return isRegex(Character.toString(c));
179   }
181   /**
182    * Returns null if the argument is a syntactically valid regular
183    * expression. Otherwise returns a string describing why the argument is
184    * not a regex.
185    * @param s is regular expression
186    * @return null if s is a regular expression
187    */
188   public static String regexError(String s) {
189     return regexError(s, 0);
190   }
192   /**
193    * Returns null if the argument is a syntactically valid regular
194    * expression with at least the given number of groups. Otherwise returns
195    * a string describing why the argument is not a regex.
196    * @param s is regular expression
197    * @param groups is number of groups to match
198    * @return null if s is a regular expression
199    */
200   public static String regexError(String s, int groups) {
201     try {
202       Pattern p = Pattern.compile(s);
203       int actualGroups = getGroupCount(p);
204       if (actualGroups < groups) {
205         return regexErrorMessage(s, groups, actualGroups);
206       }
207     } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
208       return e.getMessage();
209     }
210     return null;
211   }
213   /**
214    * Returns null if the argument is a syntactically valid regular
215    * expression. Otherwise returns a PatternSyntaxException describing
216    * why the argument is not a regex.
217    * @param s is regular expression
218    * @return null if s is a regular expression
219    */
220   public static PatternSyntaxException regexException(String s) {
221     return regexException(s, 0);
222   }
224   /**
225    * Returns null if the argument is a syntactically valid regular
226    * expression with at least the given number of groups. Otherwise returns a
227    * PatternSyntaxException describing why the argument is not a regex.
228    * @param s is regular expression
229    * @param groups is number of groups to match
230    * @return null if s is a regular expression
231    */
232   public static PatternSyntaxException regexException(String s, int groups) {
233     try {
234       Pattern p = Pattern.compile(s);
235       int actualGroups = getGroupCount(p);
236       if (actualGroups < groups) {
237         return new PatternSyntaxException(regexErrorMessage(s, groups, actualGroups), s, -1);
238       }
239     } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) {
240       return pse;
241     }
242     return null;
243   }
245   /**
246    * Returns the argument as a {@code @Regex String} if it is a regex,
247    * otherwise throws an error. The purpose of this method is to suppress Regex
248    * Checker warnings. Once the the Regex Checker supports flow-sensitivity, it
249    * should be very rarely needed.
250    * @param s is a regular expression
251    * @return null if s is a regular expression
252    */
253   public static String asRegex(String s) {
254     return asRegex(s, 0);
255   }
257   /**
258    * Returns the argument as a {@code @Regex(groups) String} if it is a regex
259    * with at least the given number of groups, otherwise throws an error. The
260    * purpose of this method is to suppress Regex Checker warnings. Once the the
261    * Regex Checker supports flow-sensitivity, it should be very rarely needed.
262    * @param s is a regular expression
263    * @param groups is number of group to match
264    * @return null if s is a regular expression
265    */
266   public static String asRegex(String s, int groups) {
267     try {
268       Pattern p = Pattern.compile(s);
269       int actualGroups = getGroupCount(p);
270       if (actualGroups < groups) {
271         throw new Error(regexErrorMessage(s, groups, actualGroups));
272       }
273       return s;
274     } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
275       throw new Error(e);
276     }
277   }
279   /**
280    * Generates an error message for s when expectedGroups are needed, but s
281    * only has actualGroups.
282    */
283   private static String regexErrorMessage(String s, int expectedGroups, int actualGroups) {
284     return "regex \"" + s + "\" has " + actualGroups + " groups, but " +
285         expectedGroups + " groups are needed.";
286   }
288   /**
289    * Returns the count of groups in the argument.
290    */
291   private static int getGroupCount(Pattern p) {
292     return p.matcher("").groupCount();
293   }
294 }