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Chukwa -

Release Notes - Hadoop Chukwa - Version 0.7.0

Overall Status

This is the fifth public release of Chukwa, a log analysis framework on top of Hadoop and HBase. Chukwa has been tested at scale and used in some production settings, and is reasonably robust and well behaved. For instructions on setting up Chukwa, see the administration guide and the rest of the Chukwa documentation.

Important Changes Since Last Release

  • New dashboard design.
  • New Chukwa Parquet file format.
  • New HBase schema for improved low latency read performance.
  • New Solr log indexing support.
  • There have been a number of bug fixes and code cleanups since the last release; check the changelog and JIRA for details.


Chukwa relies on Java 1.6, and requires maven 3.0.3 to build. The back-end processing requires Hadoop 2.6.0, HBase 1.0.0+, and Solr 4.7.2+.

Known Limitations

  • There is currently no HDFS file compaction and retention support.