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TaskTrackerClientTraceMapper xref
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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4    * distributed with this work for additional information
5    * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8    * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    *
10   *
11   *
12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16   * limitations under the License.
17   */
19  package org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.analysis.salsa.fsm;
21  import;
22  import java.util.ArrayList;
23  import java.util.regex.*;
24  import java.util.Random;
26  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
27  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
29  import org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.extraction.demux.*;
30  import org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.extraction.engine.*;
31  import org.apache.hadoop.conf.*;
32  import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.*;
33  import org.apache.hadoop.util.*;
35  /**
36   * Pluggable mapper for FSMBuilder
37   *
38   * K2 = State Name + State ID 
39   * (We use ChukwaRecordKey since it would already have implemented a bunch of
40   *  useful things such as Comparators etc.)
41   * V2 = TreeMap
42   */
43  public class TaskTrackerClientTraceMapper 
44    extends MapReduceBase 
45    implements Mapper<ChukwaRecordKey, ChukwaRecord, ChukwaRecordKey, FSMIntermedEntry> 
46  {
47    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FSMBuilder.class);
48  	protected static final String SEP = "/";
49  	protected final static String FSM_CRK_ReduceType = FSMType.NAMES[FSMType.MAPREDUCE_FSM];
50  	private final Pattern ipPattern =
51      Pattern.compile("([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)[a-zA-Z\\-_:\\/].*");
53    public void map
54      (ChukwaRecordKey key, ChukwaRecord val,
55       OutputCollector<ChukwaRecordKey, FSMIntermedEntry> output, 
56  		 Reporter reporter)
57      throws IOException 
58    {
60  		/* Extract field names for checking */
61  		String [] fieldNames = val.getFields();
62  		ArrayList<String> fieldNamesList = new ArrayList<String>(fieldNames.length);
63  		for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) {
64  		  fieldNamesList.add(fieldNames[i]);
65  		}
67  		// Handle ClientTraceDetailed and DataNodeLog entries separately
68  		// because we need to combine both types of entries for a complete picture
70  		if (key.getReduceType().equals("ClientTraceDetailed")) {
71  		  assert(fieldNamesList.contains("op"));
72  		  if (val.getValue("op").startsWith("MAPRED")) { 
73  		    parseClientTraceDetailed(key, val, output, reporter, fieldNamesList);
74  	    } // pick up only mapreduce operations
75  		} 
76    } // end of map()
78    protected final int DEFAULT_SHUFFLE_DURATION_MS = 10;
80    // works with 0.20 ClientTrace with no durations
81    // includes hack to create start+end entries immediately
82    protected void parseClientTraceDetailed
83      (ChukwaRecordKey key, ChukwaRecord val,
84       OutputCollector<ChukwaRecordKey, FSMIntermedEntry> output, 
85  		 Reporter reporter, ArrayList<String> fieldNamesList)
86      throws IOException
87    {
88      FSMIntermedEntry start_rec, end_rec;
89      String current_op = null, src_add = null, dest_add = null;
90      String reduce_id = null, map_id = null;
92      /* initialize state records */
93      start_rec = new FSMIntermedEntry();
94      end_rec = new FSMIntermedEntry();
95      start_rec.fsm_type = new FSMType(FSMType.MAPREDUCE_FSM);
96      start_rec.state_type = new StateType(StateType.STATE_START);
97      end_rec.fsm_type = new FSMType(FSMType.MAPREDUCE_FSM);
98      end_rec.state_type = new StateType(StateType.STATE_END);    
100     /* extract addresses */
101     Matcher src_regex = ipPattern.matcher(val.getValue("src"));
102     if (src_regex.matches()) {
103       src_add =;
104     } else {
105       log.warn("Failed to match src IP:"+val.getValue("src")+"");
106       src_add = "";
107     }
108     Matcher dest_regex = ipPattern.matcher(val.getValue("dest"));
109     if (dest_regex.matches()) {
110       dest_add =;
111     } else {
112       log.warn("Failed to match dest IP:"+val.getValue("dest")+"");
113       dest_add = "";
114     }
115     if (fieldNamesList.contains("reduceID")) {
116       reduce_id = val.getValue("reduceID");
117     } else {
118       // add a random number so we get unique keys or the CRK will break
119       Random r = new Random(); 
120       reduce_id = "noreduce" + r.nextInt();
121     }
123     if (fieldNamesList.contains("cliID")) {
124       map_id = val.getValue("cliID").trim();
125     } else {
126       map_id = "nomap";
127     }
129     current_op = val.getValue("op");
131     start_rec.host_exec = src_add;
132     end_rec.host_exec = src_add;
133     start_rec.host_other = dest_add;
134     end_rec.host_other = dest_add;
136     // timestamp of the log entry is the end time; 
137     // subtract duration to get start time
138     long actual_time_ms = Long.parseLong(val.getValue("actual_time"));
139     if (fieldNamesList.contains("duration")) {
140       try {
141         actual_time_ms -= (Long.parseLong(val.getValue("duration").trim()) / 1000);
142       } catch (NumberFormatException nef) {
143         log.warn("Failed to parse duration: >>" + val.getValue("duration"));
144       }
145     } else {
146       actual_time_ms -= DEFAULT_SHUFFLE_DURATION_MS;
147     }
149     String [] k = key.getKey().split("/");    
151     start_rec.time_orig_epoch = k[0];
152     start_rec.time_orig = Long.toString(actual_time_ms); // not actually used
153     start_rec.timestamp = Long.toString(actual_time_ms);
154     start_rec.time_end = "";
155     start_rec.time_start = start_rec.timestamp;
157     end_rec.time_orig_epoch = k[0];
158     end_rec.time_orig = val.getValue("actual_time");
159     end_rec.timestamp = val.getValue("actual_time");
160     end_rec.time_end = val.getValue("actual_time");
161     end_rec.time_start = "";
163     log.debug("Duration: " + (Long.parseLong(end_rec.time_end) - Long.parseLong(start_rec.time_start)));
165     start_rec.job_id = reduce_id; // use job id = block id
166     end_rec.job_id = reduce_id; 
168     if (current_op.equals("MAPRED_SHUFFLE")) {
169       if (src_add != null && src_add.equals(dest_add)) {
170         start_rec.state_mapred = new MapRedState(MapRedState.SHUFFLE_LOCAL);
171       } else {
172         start_rec.state_mapred = new MapRedState(MapRedState.SHUFFLE_REMOTE);
173       }
174     } else {
175       log.warn("Invalid state: " + current_op);
176     }
177     end_rec.state_mapred = start_rec.state_mapred;
178     start_rec.state_name = start_rec.state_mapred.toString();
179     end_rec.state_name = end_rec.state_mapred.toString();
180     start_rec.identifier = new StringBuilder().append(reduce_id).append("@").append(map_id).toString();
181     end_rec.identifier = new StringBuilder().append(reduce_id).append("@").append(map_id).toString();
183     start_rec.generateUniqueID();
184     end_rec.generateUniqueID();
186     start_rec.add_info.put(Record.tagsField,val.getValue(Record.tagsField));
187 		start_rec.add_info.put("csource",val.getValue("csource"));
188     end_rec.add_info.put(Record.tagsField,val.getValue(Record.tagsField));
189 		end_rec.add_info.put("csource",val.getValue("csource"));
190 		end_rec.add_info.put("STATE_STRING","SUCCESS"); // by default
192 		// add counter value
193 		end_rec.add_info.put("BYTES",val.getValue("bytes"));
195     String crk_mid_string_start = new StringBuilder().append(start_rec.getUniqueID()).append("_").append(start_rec.timestamp).toString();
196     String crk_mid_string_end = new StringBuilder().append(end_rec.getUniqueID()).append("_").append(start_rec.timestamp).toString();
197     output.collect(new ChukwaRecordKey(FSM_CRK_ReduceType, crk_mid_string_start), start_rec);
198     output.collect(new ChukwaRecordKey(FSM_CRK_ReduceType, crk_mid_string_end), end_rec);
200   }
202 } // end of mapper class