This project has retired. For details please refer to its
Attic page.
Macro xref
18 package org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.database;
20 import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
21 import java.sql.ResultSet;
22 import java.sql.SQLException;
23 import java.util.HashMap;
24 import java.util.Map.Entry;
25 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
26 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
28 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
30 import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
31 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
32 import org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.util.DatabaseWriter;
34 public class Macro {
35 private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Macro.class);
36 private boolean forCharting = false;
37 private long current = 0;
38 private long start = 0;
39 private long end = 0;
40 private static DatabaseConfig dbc = new DatabaseConfig();
41 private DatabaseWriter db = null;
42 private String query = null;
43 private HttpServletRequest request = null;
45 public Macro(long timestamp, String query) {
46 this.current = timestamp;
47 this.start = timestamp;
48 this.end = timestamp;
49 this.query = query;
50 }
52 public Macro(long startTime, long endTime, String query) {
53 this.current = endTime;
54 this.start = startTime;
55 this.end = endTime;
56 forCharting = true;
57 this.query = query;
58 }
60 public Macro(long startTime, long endTime, String query, HttpServletRequest request) {
61 this.request = request;
62 this.current = endTime;
63 this.start = startTime;
64 this.end = endTime;
65 forCharting = true;
66 this.query = query;
67 }
68 public HashMap<String,String> findMacros(String query) throws SQLException {
69 boolean add=false;
70 HashMap<String,String> macroList = new HashMap<String,String>();
71 String macro="";
72 for(int i=0;i<query.length();i++) {
73 if(query.charAt(i)==']') {
74 add=false;
75 if(!macroList.containsKey(macro)) {
76 String subString = computeMacro(macro);
77 macroList.put(macro,subString);
78 }
79 macro="";
80 }
81 if(add) {
82 macro=macro+query.charAt(i);
83 }
84 if(query.charAt(i)=='[') {
85 add=true;
86 }
87 }
88 return macroList;
89 }
91 public String computeMacro(String macro) throws SQLException {
92 Pattern p = Pattern.compile("past_(.*)_minutes");
93 Matcher matcher = p.matcher(macro);
94 if(macro.indexOf("avg(")==0 || macro.indexOf("group_avg(")==0 || macro.indexOf("sum(")==0) {
95 String meta="";
96 String[] table = null;
97 if(forCharting) {
98 table = dbc.findTableNameForCharts(macro.substring(macro.indexOf("(")+1,macro.indexOf(")")), start, end);
99 } else {
100 table = dbc.findTableName(macro.substring(macro.indexOf("(")+1,macro.indexOf(")")), start, end);
101 }
102 try {
103 String cluster = System.getProperty("CLUSTER");
104 if(cluster==null) {
105 cluster="unknown";
106 }
107 db = new DatabaseWriter(cluster);
108 DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = db.getConnection().getMetaData();
109 ResultSet rs = dbMetaData.getColumns ( null,null,table[0], null);
110 boolean first=true;
111 while( {
112 if(!first) {
113 meta = meta+",";
114 }
115 String name = rs.getString(4);
116 int type = rs.getInt(5);
117 if(type==java.sql.Types.VARCHAR) {
118 if(macro.indexOf("group_avg(")<0) {
119 meta=meta+"count("+name+") as "+name;
120 } else {
121 meta=meta+name;
122 }
123 first=false;
124 } else if(type==java.sql.Types.DOUBLE ||
125 type==java.sql.Types.FLOAT ||
126 type==java.sql.Types.INTEGER) {
127 if(macro.indexOf("sum(")==0) {
128 meta=meta+"sum("+name+")";
129 } else {
130 meta=meta+"avg("+name+")";
131 }
132 first=false;
133 } else if(type==java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP) {
134 meta=meta+name;
135 first=false;
136 } else {
137 if(macro.indexOf("sum(")==0) {
138 meta=meta+"SUM("+name+")";
139 } else {
140 meta=meta+"AVG("+name+")";
141 }
142 first=false;
143 }
144 }
145 db.close();
146 if(first) {
147 throw new SQLException("Table is undefined.");
148 }
149 } catch(SQLException ex) {
150 throw new SQLException("Table does not exist:"+ table[0]);
151 }
152 return meta;
153 } else if(macro.indexOf("now")==0) {
154 return DatabaseWriter.formatTimeStamp(current);
155 } else if(macro.intern()=="start".intern()) {
156 return DatabaseWriter.formatTimeStamp(start);
157 } else if(macro.intern()=="end".intern()) {
158 return DatabaseWriter.formatTimeStamp(end);
159 } else if(matcher.find()) {
160 int period = Integer.parseInt(;
161 long timestamp = current - (current % (period*60*1000L)) - (period*60*1000L);
162 return DatabaseWriter.formatTimeStamp(timestamp);
163 } else if(macro.indexOf("past_hour")==0) {
164 return DatabaseWriter.formatTimeStamp(current-3600*1000L);
165 } else if(macro.endsWith("_week")) {
166 long partition = current / DatabaseConfig.WEEK;
167 if(partition<=0) {
168 partition=1;
169 }
170 String[] buffers = macro.split("_");
171 StringBuffer tableName = new StringBuffer();
172 for(int i=0;i<buffers.length-1;i++) {
173 tableName.append(buffers[i]);
174 tableName.append("_");
175 }
176 tableName.append(partition);
177 tableName.append("_week");
178 return tableName.toString();
179 } else if(macro.endsWith("_month")) {
180 long partition = current / DatabaseConfig.MONTH;
181 if(partition<=0) {
182 partition=1;
183 }
184 String[] buffers = macro.split("_");
185 StringBuffer tableName = new StringBuffer();
186 for(int i=0;i<buffers.length-1;i++) {
187 tableName.append(buffers[i]);
188 tableName.append("_");
189 }
190 tableName.append(partition);
191 tableName.append("_month");
192 return tableName.toString();
193 } else if(macro.endsWith("_quarter")) {
194 long partition = current / DatabaseConfig.QUARTER;
195 if(partition<=0) {
196 partition=1;
197 }
198 String[] buffers = macro.split("_");
199 StringBuffer tableName = new StringBuffer();
200 for(int i=0;i<buffers.length-1;i++) {
201 tableName.append(buffers[i]);
202 tableName.append("_");
203 }
204 tableName.append(partition);
205 tableName.append("_quarter");
206 return tableName.toString();
207 } else if(macro.endsWith("_year")) {
208 long partition = current / DatabaseConfig.YEAR;
209 if(partition<=0) {
210 partition=1;
211 }
212 String[] buffers = macro.split("_");
213 StringBuffer tableName = new StringBuffer();
214 for(int i=0;i<buffers.length-1;i++) {
215 tableName.append(buffers[i]);
216 tableName.append("_");
217 }
218 tableName.append(partition);
219 tableName.append("_year");
220 return tableName.toString();
221 } else if(macro.endsWith("_decade")) {
222 long partition = current / DatabaseConfig.DECADE;
223 if(partition<=0) {
224 partition=1;
225 }
226 String[] buffers = macro.split("_");
227 StringBuffer tableName = new StringBuffer();
228 for(int i=0;i<buffers.length-1;i++) {
229 tableName.append(buffers[i]);
230 tableName.append("_");
231 }
232 tableName.append(partition);
233 tableName.append("_decade");
234 return tableName.toString();
235 }
236 if(forCharting) {
237 if(macro.startsWith("session(") && request!=null){
238 String keyword = macro.substring(macro.indexOf("(")+1,macro.indexOf(")"));
239 String[] objects = null;
240 if(request.getSession().getAttribute(keyword)!=null) {
241 objects = ((String)request.getSession().getAttribute(keyword)).split(",");
242 }
243 StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
244 boolean first = true;
245 if(objects!=null) {
246 for(String object : objects) {
247 if(!first) {
248 buf.append(" or ");
249 }
250 first = false;
251 buf.append(macro.substring(macro.indexOf("(")+1,macro.indexOf(")"))+"='"+object+"'");
252 }
253 return buf.toString();
254 }
255 return "";
256 } else {
257 String[] tableList = dbc.findTableNameForCharts(macro, start, end);
258 StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
259 boolean first = true;
260 for(String table : tableList) {
261 if(!first) {
262 buf.append("|");
263 }
264 first = false;
265 buf.append(table);
266 }
267 return buf.toString();
268 }
269 }
270 String[] tableList = dbc.findTableName(macro,current,current);
271 return tableList[0];
272 }
273 public String toString() {
274 try {
275 HashMap<String, String> macroList = findMacros(query);
276 for(Entry<String, String> entry : macroList.entrySet()) {
277 String mkey = entry.getKey();
278 String value = entry.getValue();
279 if(value.contains("|")) {
280 StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
281 String[] tableList = value.split("\\|");
282 boolean first = true;
283 for(String table : tableList) {
284 String newQuery = query.replace("["+mkey+"]", table);
285 if(!first) {
286 buf.append(" union ");
287 }
288 buf.append("(");
289 buf.append(newQuery);
290 buf.append(")");
291 first = false;
292 }
293 query = buf.toString();
294 } else {
295 log.debug("replacing:"+mkey+" with "+macroList.get(mkey));
296 query = query.replace("["+mkey+"]", macroList.get(mkey));
297 }
298 }
299 } catch(SQLException ex) {
300 log.error(query);
301 log.error(ex.getMessage());
302 }
303 return query;
304 }
306 }